My Journey of Practice: A Path to Alchemy and Wholeness
My spiritual practice has been unfolding for over 20 years. Only in the last few years have I truly started to understand alchemical processes, realizing the boundless depth they hold. This fills me with a sense of drive and genuine curiosity. But let me start from the beginning.
Growing up in a small village nestled within the Ural mountains, my childhood was deeply intertwined with nature. One of my most vivid memories is walking barefoot during the warm summers, fostering a quiet yet profound connection with the natural rhythms of the earth.
This idyllic bond began to fray as I transitioned to city life. The bustling urban environment imposed unnatural rhythms, creating a slow but steady disconnection from myself. It took years to realize that my anxieties, nervousness, and uncertainties stemmed from this lost connection to my inner and outer nature.
To this day, I often retreat to forests or mountains to recharge. I love spending time in natural springs, hot baths, or other places filled with vibrant energy. One of my unique talents is finding places of power wherever I travel.
How Did I Begin?
My journey of self-discovery began with a single question: What does the concept of ‘feminine nature’ truly mean?
At 18, seeking solace and answers, I embraced Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practices. This path led me to various ashrams and teachers in India, three Vipassana courses, a transformative period at the Osho ashram in Pune, the exploration of sacred plant medicine in South America, and visits to revered spiritual sites in Southeast Asia.
Searching for the answer has gradually led me to examine and interact with my inner space. Deep inside, in my core, I discovered the mechanism that based on the principles of fulfillment, assimilation, and preservation of energy. This principle is also manifested in the environment in the lunar cycle. During that cycle energy in the space follows a certain pattern with which all women are resonating.
A Teacher Appears
A pivotal moment occurred during a spiritual festival when I encountered Oleg Cherne, whom I instantly recognized as my teacher. In that moment of connection, an overwhelming sense of silence and peace enveloped me, illuminating a clear path forward.
Over the next 14 years, I immersed myself in his teachings on Daoist and Integral practices, studying the body’s systems, inner geometry, energy management, and the operational system of the brain.
From San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina to Angkor Wat in Cambodia, I traveled the world, participating in seminars that deepened my understanding. Oleg's practices demanded focus, precision, and a finely tuned body, unlocking layers of wisdom that revealed the profound interconnectedness of all things.
From Collecting to Depth
For a long time, I was captivated by various practices, collecting them like a connoisseur. Each new technique seemed more fascinating than the last. But over time, I realized that without deep exploration, we remain on the surface. Collecting practices without diving into their essence fails to deliver true understanding.
Today, I see spiritual development as peeling an onion: layer by layer, we uncover deeper truths. I recall how I once thought I understood everything and had made great progress. Now I know that was just the outermost layer.
Can we ever reach the very core? Perhaps, but it requires a consciousness as focused as a laser to penetrate the essence. And it’s not just about achieving depth; it’s also about integrating and operating with the knowledge you uncover.
Feminine Nature and the Sacred Vessel
Through these experiences, I came to understand that everything a woman encounters—people, objects, and situations—has a profound influence on her internal world. These interactions nourish or deplete her, shaping the purity and quality of her inner state.
This realization became the cornerstone of my philosophy: A woman is a Sacred Vessel, and her body is a Temple that must be nourished and honored with love, attention, and joy.
Over the past decade, I have expanded my study and practice into new areas of expression, seeking forms of fulfillment that bring a profound sense of joy. This journey included Daoist Yoga, Alchemy, and Integral Tantra, each offering unique insights into the feminine experience.
Seeking Balance in Amsterdam
After six years of traveling and exploration, I settled in Amsterdam to study International Business Administration. This decision was born from a desire to understand the material side of life and integrate it with my spiritual journey. I recognized the necessity of balance between the spiritual and material, learning that a lack of harmony in one inevitably disrupts the other.
Now, I can confidently affirm that focused attention and developed awareness are essential in every aspect of life.
Tea Ceremony and Grounding
In the past three years, I discovered the art of the Tea Ceremony, which has become an anchor in my daily life. It is a practice of grounding and slowing down, offering a moment of stillness amidst life’s constant motion.
Welcome to My Space
Today, my work revolves around practices that integrate fulfillment, alignment, proportion, rhythm, and concentration. I specialize in Daoist practices like Bagua Zhang, Tai Chi, and Integral practices.
My journey continues to unfold, shaped by the lessons of connection, balance, and alchemical transformation. I invite you to explore this path with me, whether through workshops or online courses, as we rediscover the sacred harmony within ourselves.
I’m excited to share my experiences and energy with you. See you at workshops or online courses!